The Virgin Islands Track &
Field Federation
Registration Form 2003 (Please
print form to complete)
I am an
Please check where appropriate.
To be eligible for a Virgin Islands Track &
Field National Team, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers are required
to complete this form and meet applicable criteria. The annual
registration fee is $10.00 for individuals and $25 for
Registration#: |
Fee Paid: Yes: [ ] No: [ ] Amount: |
Date: |
Last Name: |
First Name: |
Middle Name: |
E-Mail: |
Residence Address: |
Date of Birth: |
Place of Birth:
Are you a citizen of the United States of
America? Yes [ ] No [ ] |
If you are
a U.S. citizen, what is your passport
Expiration date: |
If you live in the U.S. Virgin Islands, how
long , and on which island?
If you are not a citizen of the United
States, please answer the following questions on lines A. B. |
A. Nationality/Citizenship of what country
do you claim? |
- Are you a Permanent Resident of the
U.S.? Yes: [ ] No: [ ] Other Status? Please explain:
Athletes, Coaches and Officials
representing the Virgin Islands must have a valid U.S. Passport
Passport #: [ ] Date of Issue: [ ] Date of
Expiration: [ ] Birth Certificate#: [ ] |
You are an/a Athlete [ ] Coach [ ] Official
[ ] Parent [ ] Volunteer [ ] Other [ ] Check each that applies |
You are affiliated with: a School [ ] Club
[ ] Organization [ ] College/University [ ] Military [ ]
Please provide the name of the one/s which
Your coaches name, Address, Phone #:
Please list the event/s in which you
compete: |
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
If you have competed or coached for a
country other than the U.S. Virgin Islands, Please provide the name
of the country, the sports, events and competitions competed:
continue on back of this page:
Competition and coaching activities other
countries continued:
If you have competed or coached for a
country other than the U.S. Virgin Islands, Please provide the name
of the country, the sports, events and competitions competed:
continue on back of this page:
Competition and coaching activities other
countries continued:
Do you have allergies? Yes [ ] No [ ] If
yes explain
Do you have medical insurance? Yes [ ] No [
] If yes indicate type of insurance, name of company:
What is your occupation? |
Biography—What high school, college
did/do you attend? What was your major? Degree/s, honors? If you are
a in the military or a veteran, please indicate what branch, what
period, career field, honors?
List previous major competitions and best
results you have achieved:
I,______________________________, do
solemnly swear or affirm that the above information is correct.
signature:_____________________________________Date:_________ |
Please provide passport size photograph for you
Federation I.D. card.
Please return this form and payment to:
The Virgin Islands Track
and Field Federation
408 Strand St., Frederiksted,
St.Croix, Virgin Islands
340-772-0212 fax