The Virgin Islands
Library Network...
The Division of
Libraries, Archives and Museums has received a $30,000 grant from the
Institute of Museums and Libraries/Library Services Technology Act to
re-institute the Virgin Islands Library Network (VILINET). The interest in
re-instituting VILINET is evident as indicated by the level of involvement
of library institutions and librarians in the Territory to make available
and take advantage of existing library resources in the Territory and those
abroad. “The public is becoming more determined to use technology and
associated traditional and non-traditional resources to fill their
information needs,” according to the office of the Virgin Islands
Territorial Librarian. “High school students are making heavy demands on the
public and university libraries; home-school students are taking advantage
of the public library and university library services; private schools are
aware of the value of the online resources/catalogs and other resources
offered by the V.I. libraries. Categorically VILINET will be able to
maximize effectiveness of our library and information services through
cooperation among libraries; establish opportunities for shared services;
advocate for libraries and librarianship and aggregate the power of VILINET
members”, says Wallace Williams, Territorial Librarian/Project Director.
The project concludes with a conference at the end of the grant cycle to
determine the role of VILINET and to implement its plan of action.
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For Gale Group trial of the
resources described below
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Password: vipls0914
The Making of the Modern World:
Goldsmiths'-Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850 - provides
digital facsimile images of every page for 61,000 that track the history and
development of the western world through the lens of trade and wealth.
Full-text searching on more than 12 million pages provides researchers
unparalleled access to this vast collection of material on colonization,
trade, slavery, social conditions, politics, and more.
Americana, 1500-1926
- Based on Joseph Sabin's landmark bibliography, this collection contains
works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1500 to the
early 1900's. Included are books, pamphlets, serials and other documents
that provide original accounts of exploration, trade, colonialism, slavery
and abolition, the western movement, Native Americans, military actions and
much more. With over 6 million pages from 29,000 works, this collection is a
cornerstone in the study of the western hemisphere.
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
- With digital facsimile images of both full pages and clipped articles for
hundreds of 19th century U.S. newspapers and advanced searching
capabilities, researchers will be able to see history through the eyes of
those the witnessed it firsthand. For each issue, the newspaper is captured
from cover-to-cover, providing access to every article, advertisement and
Click here for access to access:
Library Literature & Information Full Text
Library Literature & Information Index Retrospective
Demonstration access is compliments of:

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sustainable libraries for every
community." WOW! |