![]() The Virgin Islands Library Network... Virgin Islands Code Annotated CUMULATIVE SUPPLEMENT TITLE THREE Chapter 2. Office of Libraries and Archives (SECTION) S 28d. Virgin Islands Library Network (a) The Virgin Islands Library Network (hereinafter, referred to as the "Network") is established within the Office of Libraries and Archives. (b) The Territorial Librarian is authorized to promote, participate in and provide administrative library and other services to the Virgin Islands Library Network, but its governance is shared by the agencies representing public, academic, school, special, institutional and other libraries participating in the Network, with policy input from the individual libraries under the purposes and provisions of this section. (c) The purpose of the Network is to provide United States Virgin Islands citizens access to the collective library resources of the Territory by developing a cooperative, coordinated, multitype network of libraries which facilitates identification, location and use of print and non-print materials, and of modem information and available library services; to avoid duplication and to coordinate the sharing of resources, resulting in improved services for users of all participating libraries; and to serve as the United States Virgin Islands link with, and to ensure integration of United States Virgin Islands libraries in, regional and national library networks. (d) The membership of the Network shall include: (1) all public libraries of the Office of Libraries and Archives; (2) each campus library of the University of the Virgin Islands; (3) all secondary school libraries (grades 7-12) and professional and film libraries of the Bureau of Library Services and Instructional Materials (LSIM) of the Department of Education; and (4) the Archives of the United States Virgin Islands. (e) The Network may include, pursuant to rules and regulations established by the Network's governing board, the following voluntary members: (1) libraries serving non-public schools; (2) special libraries; (3) academic libraries; and (4) libraries serving public elementary schools (Grades K-6). (f)(1) The Assistant Director of the Office or such other person designated by the Director of the Office shall be the Coordinator of the Network. (A) The Coordinator shall administer the business of the Network in accord with the policies and priorities set by the Executive Board. (B) The Coordinator shall provide staff support to the Executive Board and maintain all records of the Network and the Board, and perform all duties as assigned by the Board or the Territorial Librarian. (2) The Network shall be governed by an Executive Board (hereinafter, referred to as the "Board") which shall consist of one representative each from the Territorial Library Agency, the Department of Education, the University of the Virgin Islands, and each of the Members Councils as described in subsection (g) of this section. (3) Each representative shall be a person having substantial responsibilities for library services in the member organization, and the representatives from the Members Council shall not be representatives of the other organizations on the Board. (4) Actions of the Network's governing board shall not supersede the jurisdiction of the two campus libraries of the University of the Virgin Islands, the Bureau of Library Services and Instructional Materials of the Department of Education, the Office of Libraries and Archives of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources, the private and parochial school libraries or any of the special or institutional libraries represented in the Network, except in those projects that specifically involve networking. (5) The Board shall elect a Chairman and such other officers as deemed necessary. The Board shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or any two members. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. (6) Powers and responsibilities of the Board shall include: (A) setting overall policies and priorities for the Network; (B) reviewing and approving the Network's budget; (C) advising and assisting the Network's staff in securing outside sources of funds; (D) approving proposed agreements or contracts; (E) establishing rules and regulations for membership in the Network; (F) adopting bylaws for the Network and the Executive Board; (G) approving expenditures of Network funds; (H) delegating to the coordinator any of the powers, duties or responsibilities of the Board, as appropriate; and (I) such other powers and responsibilities as necessary to fulfill the intent and purpose of this section. (g)(1) There are established two Members Councils: one Council consisting of one representative of each Network member in the district of St. Thomas-St. John and one Council consisting of one representative of each Network member in the District of St. Croix. (2) Each Members Council shall elect a Chairman who shall serve for one year on the Executive Board; Provided, however, That no person who serves on the Board in another capacity shall be able to become Chairman of a Members Council. Each Members Council shall meet at least annually. Special meetings may be called by request of the Board or as provided by the bylaws which each Council shall adopt. (3) Each Members Council shall have the following powers and responsibilities: (A) to advise the Board and staff of needed services; (B) to recommend policies and priorities for Network activities; (C) to approve the admission of new voluntary members who meet requirements set by the Board; (D) to consider and act upon such matters as may be appropriate; and (E) to draft and adopt bylaws for the conduct of business of the Members Council; to nominate and elect any other officers it may consider necessary and to set the terms of office for those other officers; and to provide for liaison with the Members Council of the other district.-Added June 24, 1987, No. 5265, S304(a), Sess. L. 1987, p. 44. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------