The Division of Libraries
and Archives
Pre-School Story-Hour Time @ Florence Williams Public Library
St. Croix
Storytelling and Book Writing @ your library St.Croix, St.Thomas,
Summer activities @ Enid Baa Public Library, St. Thomas
"Team Read" @ Elaine Sprauve Public Library, St. John

Nelson Class, The Thompson-Gale Group, Mona Charles, Executive Assistant,
Trust Asset Management, Donald Sussman, Principal Partner, Trust Assets
Management, Freida Webster, Office Manager, Trust Assets Management,
Heather Lane, Children's Librarian, Enid Baa Public Library, Audrey
Murial, Library Technician, Enid Baa Public Library.

Children at Story Hour...Reading Time @ your library Enid Baa Public
Library. A Friends of the St.Thomas Public Libraries summer program...
The Ginn Company and The Mahogany Run Golf Course announce their commitment
to assist the public library with the Resort to Reading @ your library

It was a special occasion at the Mahogany Run Golf Course recently at a
press conference to present the St.Thomas Public Library with a check for
$25,000 for the purchase of Scholastic books for the library collection.
Children, staff, volunteers from the Enid Baa Public Library and Territory
library officials received the check from Rich Hohman, Vice-President of the
Ginn Company and Kristine Macken, General Manager of MRGC.

IMLS photo
Edgar Lake, representing
V.I. public libraries, joins a group from the Virgin Islands at the 5th
Annual National Book Festival in Washington, DC in September. The
Virgin Islands group was
featured on the IMLS website
http://www.imls.gov/ pictured with Acting
Director of IMLS Mary Chute (fourth from left) which hosted the Pavilion of
States; Ingrid Bough (first from left), Library of Congress, is the
coordinator for the Territories for the festival sponsored by the Library of
Congress and hosted by First Lady Laura Bush.

Associated Press Photo
..a great time for libraries and
reading...The Honorable Charles W. Turnbull, Governor and Timmy Duncan Most
Valuable Player in the NBA chat during Timmy's home visit with his team the
San Antonio Spurs at training camp in the Virgin Islands...Timmy sports his
"Read to Achieve" tee-shirt when he and some of his teammates visited the
Lockhart Elementary School in St.Thomas...Governor Turnbull made known his
administration's support for libraries by recently appropriating an
unprecedented $5,000,000.00 to Virgin Islands public libraries for
construction of new facilities and upgrading of resources...

The Study Hall
The Best Resources for Your Homework!
Life Issues
Places to turn for help with drugs, depression,
health and more.
Fun on the 'Net
Games and more to pass the time.
Entertainment & Recreation
Sites on sports, music and reading.
College, Jobs & Volunteering
Plan your future and make a difference in your

Celebrate KWANZAA
December 26 to January 1
For information about KWANZAA click here...

Join in the
celebration of National Library Week April 2-8, 2006
NLW list of Virgin Islands Public Library activities...click here...

Michael Winslow, "human sound-effects machine," signs autographs for
students at St. Peter and Paul school, Dober and Jane E Tuitt Elementary
Schools. following his performance
where he read
The Magically Mysterious Adventures of Noelle the

This is the first celebrity
reading in the "Resort to Reading" program sponsored by Mahogany Run Golf
Course and Ginn Clubs & Resorts for the St. Thomas Public Libraries...

The Exploring Our Island
Summer Camp visits
The Florence Williams Public
"World's Largest Write-On Map"
July 19, 2006
The Division of
Libraries and Archives
1122 King St., Christiansted,
St. Croix, VI 00820
Ph.: 340-773-5715
Division of
Libraries and Archives
#23 Dronningens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Fax: 340-775-1887 |